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Our Impact

The Impact that Team Oasis has on the people lives whom we serve is immense. As we are dedicated to delivering activities that engage all children and young people of all abilities in each and every activity that we deliver this has resulted in an absolutely beautiful environment that sees non-disabled cyp playing and learning alongside cyp that might have a physical disability and others that will have various special needs. Whilst 100% of children and young people attending Team Oasis would be designated as living in poverty, disadvantaged and living with deprivation, approximately 50% of these would be considered as physically disabled, designated as living with special needs and/or living with mental health challenges. Ultimately our vision would be to create an environment where all children, young people and their families can live, share, play, learn and socialise in an environment of collective learnedness, awareness, understanding and respect for all. What an achievement this is especially as it blossoms into future generations.


Team Oasis was founded in Toxteth and continues to deliver its services in this community. Toxteth is listed as having the highest rate of child poverty in the UK. Quite simply, there is no other ward in the whole of the UK that has worse statistics for crime, poverty and all associated issues than the area in which our Charity works. Therefore, our work serves groups experiencing social and economic disadvantage. We also support children, young people and adults with disability. Collectively our work certainly benefits communities of severe and multiple disadvantages. Our core objective over the years has included educating the masses regarding disability, thereby building awareness, understanding and removing barriers to children of all abilities growing together.


Team Oasis has always been recognised as being one of the Uk’s foremost totally inclusive children’s charities. We actively promote and champion inclusion designing our promotion and marketing in a way that parents understand that we totally believe in the benefits of inclusion. It has been our forever ambition to achieve a culture across our community where inclusion is the norm. To a very great extent we certainly do this amazingly well and as we introduce even more inclusive activities into our centre and across our city that are massively visible to the populous then we believe that our vision/ethos becomes the norm for all.


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