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Legacy Donations

Remember Team Oasis Children’s Centre in your Will

"Support young people and give the gift of safety and fun for future generations"

By leaving a gift in your will to Oasis you can support a charity (No. 1099290) that has inspired, supported and encouraged you and your community. By remembering Oasis in Your Will you can ensure that this amazing work continues engaging future generations.


Why leave a gift to Oasis?


Team Oasis has to raise 100% of the annual running and project costs for the organisation from private funds – we receive no public subsidy.  Legacies and donations from individuals are so important to the survival and future of our organisation.

Oasis exists "To improve the quality of life of children and young people in Liverpool 8 and surrounding areas."  The central strategic objectives of Team Oasis include a commitment to relieve the consequences of poverty and to combat all forms of discrimination.  We pledge to alleviate fear and hopelessness, to be inclusive in the face of exclusion and to educate where we find ignorance.

Leaving a gift in Your Will can be as small or large or as specific as you wish. Your support will ensure the long-term future of the Oasis Centre maintaining it for generations to come and providing a platform for young people and their families based in the heart of Liverpool.

Can I leave a gift to Oasis?


Anyone can leave a gift of any size in their will to Oasis. You can choose to leave a specific gift or you can leave the residue or a fraction of your estate once family and friends have been looked after.

Download our Legacy information pdf right here

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